307 - B Sai Complex, Above Hotel Giriraj Kathyawadi, GIDC Char Rasta Vapi. 396195.
The equity mutual funds known as “mid cap funds” concentrate on firms having a market capitalization that falls within certain thresholds. Firms with a midcap size often have less volatility than small-cap companies and more growth potential than large-cap companies.
Your risk tolerance, financial horizon, and goals must all be in line with your choice to make investment in midcap mutual funds. In general, it is best to choose mid size equity funds if you have a long-term aim (let’s say, 5 years or more). Additionally, it will provide the fund enough time to withstand market volatility.
It’s intended for those who want to reach their long-term financial objectives and benefit from equities investments but do not want their returns to vary more than the market (i.e. Sensex or NIFTY). They strive to consistently deliver dividends and offers good long-term capital gain. Due to their good financial position, they can sustain downturns in the market, but there is a chance that mid-cap equity funds will perform worse than mid-cap or small-cap equity funds. Mid-cap funds might be beneficial for investors with minimal risk appetites.
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307 - B Sai Complex, Above Hotel Giriraj Kathyawadi, GIDC Char Rasta Vapi. 396195.
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